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HomeMagazineSCSU AT TEDXStCloud 2018

SCSU AT TEDXStCloud 2018

St. Cloud State employees spoke at a Tedx event this October at the Paramount Center for the Arts, St. Cloud.

Data-visualization evangelist Mark Gill and social justice activist Beth Berila were among six participants in the event, which sought to spark conversation, connection and community.

Independent and voluntary, Tedx events are modeled after the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) online talks that feature great thinkers such as Elon Musk, Jane Goodall, Sergey Brin and the late Stephen Hawking.

Berila directs the Gender and Women’s Studies program, located in Webster Hall. A professor and yoga teacher, Berila uses intersectional feminism and mindfulness to help communities more fully embody social justice.

Gill directs the Visualization Lab, located in the ISELF Building. Among other things, the lab helps campus units and community organizations visualize data. Gill also teaches software engineering courses.

Other speakers included Cynthia Terlouw, an advocate for trafficked and exploited girls; Wm. Blair Anderson, St. Cloud chief of police; Jolene Singh, CentraCare surgeon; and Eric Sannerud, hop farmer.

Listen for yourself

Beth Berila-“The Unexpected Bridge to Connection”

Mark Gill – “Fear and Loathing on the Bleeding Edge”


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