Students showed their talents April 20 at the virtual 2021 Huskies Showcase. Students presented their work through Zoom links, followed by a closing celebration for award finalists held in the Atwood Ballroom and live streamed for parents, friends and other supporters.
Students presented on more than 200 projects throughout the day. Types of projects presented included thesis, creative work, internship, research project, service learning experience or volunteer experience.
The Showcase drew participants from across campus with faculty mentors supporting students in their projects in community research, creative works and scholarship across all disciplines at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Huskies Showcase gives the campus community an opportunity to engage with industry employers and regional communities to prepare St. Cloud State graduates for life, work and citizenship in the 21st century.
Driven by the dimensions of Our Husky Compact, Huskies Showcase provides a place to showcase student engagement and achievement; the opportunity to engage with, support and celebrate student success; the opportunity to engage with industry, employers and regional communities; and a venue to showcase distinctive student experiences.
Award winners
Our Husky Compact Reflection Award Dimension:
Seek and Apply Knowledge
Jharef Tecsihua and Houa Yang
“Effects of mutation P75E on prephenate/arogenate dehydrogenase function”.
Faculty mentor — Chemistry professor Dr. Nathen Bruender.
Undergraduate Poster Presentation Award
Erika Laho, Pasang Sherpa and Jameson Blaylock
“Does Treatment with Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) Skew T-cell Profiles in an Experimental Mouse Model of Type 1 Diabetes?”
Faculty mentor — Biology professor Dr. Marina Cetkovic-Cvrlje.
Graduate Poster Presentation
Bailey Richards
“Using Fluorescence and Other Techniques to Visualize Tadpole Anatomy”
Faculty mentor — Biology Professor Dr. Jennifer Lamb
Undergraduate Oral Presentation
Michaela Ericksen
“An Air Stagnation Event Climatology for North America from 1995-2019”
Faculty mentor — Meteorology professor Dr. Alan Srock
Graduate Oral Presentation
Brigita Fiske
“Yerba Mate: A potential supplement to delay onset of Type 1 Diabetes in mouse models?”
Faculty mentor — Biology professor Dr. Marina Cetkovic-Cvrlje
Poster Presentation
Courtney Wallace: “The Low Income Struggle: Proper Nutrition in the Home”. Faculty mentor Steve Anderson, University Honors Program.
Kate Fredin: “How Racism and Discrimination Affect Matenal Mortality Rates Among African Americans in the U.S.” Faculty mentor Steve Anderson, University Honors Program.
Jenna Nelson and Ujjwal Adhikari: “The Trials and Tribulations of Implementing Contemporary Technology in the Immunology Laboratory Under COVID-19 Conditions” Faculty mentor Dr. Marina Cetkovic-Cvrlje, Biology.
Oral Presentation
Makenzie Anderson: “Creation of a Universal Inoculum thorough the Analysis of Anaerobic Digester Samples.” Faculty mentor Dr. Ryan Fink, Biology.
Alexander Seymour: “Biofluorescence in Aquatic Life Stages of Salamanders.” Faculty mentor Dr. Jennifer Lamb, Biology.”
Amrit Chhetri: “Analysis of Particle Ejecta in Laser Abalation of Aluminum.” Faculty mentor Dr. John Sinko, Physics and Astronomy.
Elatia Zaffke: “Laboratory Simulated Supernova Shock Waves.” Faculty mentor Dr. Alan Srock, Atmospheric and Hydrologic Sciences.