Company: St. Cloud State University
Position: Assistant Professor, Meteorology / Science Education
M.S. in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology from University of Colorado-Boulder.
Never one to relegate herself to one field of interest, Rachel's academic background is quite varied, with degrees in Elementary Education, Sociology, Atmospheric Science, and, most recently, Higher Education Administration. While her research and interest in severe weather keeps her eyes (and camera lenses) to the skies during the spring, teaching and running the SCSU Planetarium keep her busy the rest of the year. She always has multiple projects going on at once and strives to include undergraduate students in her research as often as possible, to allow the "next generation" of scientists to get their feet wet. She is a firm believer that science is for everyone and views her favorite role as one of a liaison between the realms of academic science and public science education, welcoming everyone into the pool. Rachel has been an Assistant Professor of Meteorology and Science Education at SCSU since 2016.