College of Liberal Arts

Jazz Trio to perform on Tuesday Oct. 3

A Jazz Trio will perform on Tuesday Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center Recital Hall.

SCSU Alumni Art Show opens Oct. 1

Artwork by St. Cloud State alumni is on view in the Atwood Memorial Center Gallery St. Cloud through Oct 1-27.

Visiting artist to lead students in Gong Orchestra concert Sept. 27

Fourteen St. Cloud State University students will have the opportunity to be part of an improvisational gong orchestra when guest artist Tatasuya Nakatani leads them in concert at 8 p.m. Sept. 27 in the Performing Arts Center Recital Hall.

Best college ever uses Harry Potter to teach philosophy

While Hagrid hasn’t come busting down our door with a one-way ticket to Hogwarts, Muggles who love the Potter series—you know you’re a superfan if you can appreciate these Harry Potter jokes—can come pretty close at St. Cloud State University.