Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeUniversity newsScholarship available to help students study business in Brazil

Scholarship available to help students study business in Brazil

Universidade Paulista, in São Paulo, Brazil, is offering a scholarship to help students study at the Brazilian institution.

The university’s International Business School — IBS Americas — is offering a scholarship covering up to 70 percent of a student’s tuition fees. The university also offers assistance with travel preparation.

Taught in English, the two-to-three week short-term program is offered three times a year — January, July and August. Students in the program earn a basic introduction to how to do business in Brazil and other emerging markets. They learn from guest speakers and visit Brazilian companies. Last year the short-term programs attracted students from 35 countries.

The program covers topics such as:

•    Strategy and competitiveness

•    Strategic and marketing aspects of conquering markets in low incoming countries

•    Current economic scenario of Brazil and other emerging countries

•    Industrial and consumer markets

•    Foreign trade and direct investment

•    Logistics and structure

Participating students can work with Universidade Paulista to transfer credits to their home institution. Students seeking to transfer credits will be evaluated on their final project presentation, final exam, class participation and attendance.

“It offers a program similar to our short term study programs, but would allow a small number of students to attend,” said JoAnn Asquith, St. Cloud State marketing professor.

Generation Study AbroadStudents at sophomore standing and through graduate level can apply for the program and scholarship — regardless of grade point average, area of study or knowledge of Portuguese.

“MBA students may be particularly interested in the program and could use it as one of their electives in the MBA program,” Asquith said.

Learn more by contacting Nichole Pazdernik in the Center for International Studies at [email protected] by Oct. 4.

St. Cloud State University offers many study abroad opportunities and many partner institutions throughout the world offer scholarships to help students to take advantage of the opportunity to explore the world outside their home institution.


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