The School of Public Affairs sponsored a pop-up seminar on the turmoil in Venezuela Monday. Economics professor Mónica García-Pérez and political science professor Edward Greaves presented.
Venezuela has made headlines with political unrest, a humanitarian crisis, mass migration out of the country, and civilian demonstrations.

García-Pérez gave the students, faculty and community members in attendance a historical, political, and economic background of how Venezuela got to where it is today. A native-born Venezuelan, she is able to speak from personal experience as well as an expert in her field.
Photos of select essential items illustrated the hyperinflation civilians are dealing with. For many, one month’s salary is enough to buy only one stick of butter and one roll of toilet paper. Most Venezuelans have not seen or eaten beef in over a year.
Professor Greaves, Director of Latin American Studies at St. Cloud State, covered how the country came to “Chavismo”. Developed around turn of the century by President Hugo Chávez, Chavismo is a political ideology encompassing elements of socialism, patriotism and internationalism, among others.
Questions and a constructive discussion followed the presentation.