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HomePresident Robbyn WackerPresident Wacker MessagesApril 3: COVID-19 update: Grading information

April 3: COVID-19 update: Grading information

Dear Huskies,

We hope this message finds you well and the first week of transitioning to remote delivery has gone well for you. We want to reiterate our number one priority is to ensure we are doing everything we can to help you continue to make positive progress towards graduation and beginning your career.  

We understand how incredibly stressful and challenging the COVID-19 disruption has been to your semester and thank you for sharing your concerns about grades. Before we made a decision about altering our grading format, we gathered information about how the Universities of Minnesota and Wisconsin as well as other universities were changing their approach, consulted with a wide range of licensing and accrediting agencies, Faculty Association leadership, deans and faculty and Student Government leadership. In addition, we made sure we explored many of the possible impacts a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading format could have on your future academic and career choices (e.g., licensure, graduate school admission).  

We are sharing with you the decision to allow students the option to select a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading format for your Spring 2020 courses and are providing you the maximum flexibility in making that change.

There are two options available for students to choose from.  

  • Option 1: No Change – Keep grading method consistent with the beginning of the         semester.
  • Option 2: Change – change your course to S/U Grading method

Students may choose either option any time between April 10 and May 29, 2020 (PSEO and S2S students will have a different time frame. Visit the COVID-19 webpage for more information)

We realize there are a lot of factors to consider before making this decision. We have developed a link on the COVID-19 information webpage that explains the plan in much more detail as well as gives step by step instructions on how to make your selection. We strongly encourage you to consult your advisor, program director and/or major department chair before making this decision.

Take care and Go Huskies!

Robbyn R. Wacker

Dan Gregory


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