One of the six dimensions of St. Cloud State University’s Our Husky Compact is to “Act with Personal Integrity and Civic Responsibility” which is key to building difference-makers in a global society. This fall, students will have the opportunity to live out that dimension by utilizing their constitutional right in the 2022 midterm election.
College students have shown an increased interest and willingness to vote in recent years, with 66 percent of college students voting in the 2020 election, an increase of 14 percentage points from the 2016 election according to Tufts University’s report.
St. Cloud State administration, faculty and staff are working to inform students about how they can vote on Nov. 8 in order to make the voting process clear and easier for students.
Leading up to the 2022 election, here are some brief highlights and helpful links for college students in preparing to vote in November.
Register to Vote
Minnesota residents can register to vote online, on paper, or in person on Election Day. It is encouraged to register before Election Day, with the deadline being 21 days prior to Election Day if you plan to register online or on paper. Otherwise, you can register on Election Day at your polling location.
Check my voter registration status
If you have voted in Minnesota in past elections, you can check your status and find your polling location.
Absentee Ballots
To vote by mail, apply anytime except the day of the election to have an absentee ballot mailed to you. You do not need to be registered to apply. Absentee ballots must be received by Election Day (Nov. 8) and will not count if it is received after Election Day.
Early voting
Minnesota residents can vote early with an absentee ballot at your local elections office. If you are not registered, you can do so in person if you show proof of residence. Early voting runs Sept. 23 through Nov. 7.
What’s on my ballot?
All voters in Minnesota will have these same races on their general election ballot: U.S. Representative, Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Attorney General, State Senator, State Representative, and Judicial seats.
Local races that might vary based on location: County Officials, City Officers, School Board Members, and local ballot questions.
Enter your address into the My Ballot finder to view a sample ballot for your precinct.
Find your polling location
If you would like to vote in person on Election Day, enter your address into the Polling Place Finder to find out important voting information for your precinct.
Voter registration guide
Any individual or organization can help register the public to vote. The Registration Reference Guide covers common questions anyone may have and contains best practices for the upcoming election.
For more information, including frequently asked questions and important dates, visit the Get out the Vote and Your Vote, Your Voice: Register to vote in 2022 election webpages.