St. Cloud’s 19th annual Juneteenth picnic in the park and community gathering will be celebrated 6-9 p.m. June 19, at Riverside Park, St. Cloud.
Games, prizes, music, entertainment and black history information will be available.
Hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie patties, chicken, salad and dressing, desserts, chips and dip, and water will be offered for guests.
Festivities include:
- Traditional cookout
- Recreational activities for kids
- African American and African arts and crafts
- Voter registration
- Health information
Juneteenth marks the anniversary of freedom for black slaves in Texas. These slaves found out they were free June 13-19, 1865, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation had been issued.
For more information, call 320-308-2553.
The Juneteenth celebration is sponsored by the African American Male Forum of St. Cloud in conjunction with the Pre-College Programs, St. Cloud State University, Multicultural Student Services, SASSO, N.A.P.S., Community Grassroots Solutions, Lion Youth and Community Services, LLC., and the St. Cloud branch of N.A.A.C.P.; and in partnership with Gold’n Plump, Whitney Center and the Dream Center.