Mahave-Veglia will be joined on stage by electronic artist Nate Bliton, who performs on handmade electronic instruments.
The pair will perform traditional and contemporary works by Bach, Edgardo Canton, Bill Ryan and Andres Alcalde and “Cello Counterpoint” by Steve Reich.
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The concert combines Mahave-Veglia’s interests in his Latin American roots with explorations in new music in electronics and computer programing, said music Professor Marion Judish. An opening reception for the Creative Art Series will precede the concert. Admission to “Not so Alone” and the reception is free.
Mahave-Veglia performs a broad repertoire ranging from the early baroque to contemporary Latin American compositions. He performs throughout the world and the performance will be a return to St. Cloud State for the artist, who taught cello at the university in 2002-03. His residency at St. Cloud State launches his Minnesota tour, which features performances in the Twin Cities.

Mahave-Veglia’s residency also gives faculty and community musicians the opportunity to grow with a Chamber Music Concert at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 8 also in the Recital Hall. Faculty members Joel Salvo and Marion Judish and community artist Coca Bochonko will join Mahave-Veglia on stage for a program featuring the Kodaly Sonata, Hindemith Duo and Arensky Quartet.
The residency is made possible by the Fuller Residency Fund, which supports residencies by professional musicians at St. Cloud State. Stephen Fuller was a longtime professor at St. Cloud State and 19-year conductor of the Concert Choir. He passed away in February, but the endowment in his name continue to support music students and introduce them to leaders in the field.
For the second year, the Creative Art Series is enhancing student learning and broadening public perspectives through art, music, film and theater. Mahave-Veglia’s visit continues this tradition with workshops for orchestra, cello and new media students Sept. 9 to broaden their musical horizons.
The quartet is based on a theme by Tchaikovsky and was written to be performed two ways and will continue Mahave-Veglia’s influence when the St. Cloud State Orchestra performs a version of the quartet later this year. Mahave-Veglia will work with the orchestra on their arrangement in a Sept. 9 student workshop.
Each visiting artist in the School of the Arts’ Creative Art Series offers a master class workshop for students and presents a free public performance to open the experience to members of the public. The series also includes highly-celebrated events by St. Cloud State’s own students and faculty.