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HomeHuskies in the newsEditorial: St. Cloud music scene finds its rhythm

Editorial: St. Cloud music scene finds its rhythm

St. Cloud Times — The Aug. 23 Times news report “So why don’t Taylor Swift, Stones play in St. Cloud?” thoroughly answered that question. Think proximity to the Twin Cities, no large venue, costs vs. benefits, etc.

While those realities may depress those who embrace superstar stadium concerts, it’s important to realize what St. Cloud can attract — and already does — when it comes to live music.

Think of the hundreds more who fill quality indoor venues such as Pioneer Place, the Paramount Theatre, Benedicta Arts Center at the College of St. Benedict, Ritsche Auditorium at St. Cloud State University and various high schools’ performing arts centers.

The point is simple: Sure, megastars might not come here, but the St. Cloud area has a thriving music scene complete with a great mix of venues ranging from 19,000-plus outdoors to a few hundred indoors.

And here’s the most impressive fact: That thriving music scene is only in its infancy.

Read more: http://www.sctimes.com/story/opinion/2015/08/28/st-cloud-music-scene-finds-rhythm/71337590/

University Communications
University Communications
I am a graphic designer at St. Cloud State University and lead art direction and design for Outlook Magazine.

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