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HomeUniversity newsSt. Cloud State ‘Halloween Spooktacular’

St. Cloud State ‘Halloween Spooktacular’

Halloween spooktacularSt. Cloud State University musicians are putting on a “Halloween Spooktacular” for the St. Cloud area with a musical concert and Halloween activities and musical instrument demonstrations Oct. 29 in Ritsche Auditorium in Stewart Hall.

The concert by the Wind Ensemble and Campus Band at 6:30 p.m. features a 30- minute children’s portion that includes a medley of Halloween tunes by Danny Elfman, a Frozen sing-a-long and music from Sesame Street and Pixar movies.

After a brief intermission, the Wind Ensemble will perform selections for its upcoming fall tour including Stephen Bulla’s “Rhapsody for Flute and Band” with Professor Melissa Krause.

Children in costume and their families are invited to pre-concert activities at 5:30 p.m. in the lobby of Ritsche Auditorium. Volunteers will be on hand to demonstrate musical instruments, distribute Halloween treats and play games.

Admission is free.


Additional St. Cloud State Halloween happenings

Other Halloween-related events happening at St. Cloud State this week include:

  • The Travel and Tourism Club’s Pumpkin Carving Contest Voting 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 27-29 in the Miller Center lobby.
  • The St. Cloud State Paranormal Society’s Labyrinth in the Library haunted house from 6-11:30 p.m. Oct. 28-29 in the Miller Center West Basement. Admission is free.
  • A showing of “The Exorcist” at 6 p.m. Oct. 29 in Miller Center Room 122. Admission is free.
  • Trunk-or-Treat at 5-6:30 p.m. in the Engineering and Computing Center
    South Pay Lot. Children ages 12 or younger invited to trick-or-treat. The event is hosted by the Lindgren Child Care Center, Veteran’s Resource Center and the Student Parent Support Center. Participation is free.

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