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HomeAlumni newsHoles Hall farewell event is April 16

Holes Hall farewell event is April 16

Holes Hall, west facade
Holes Hall (1965-2014) is slated to be demolished this summer. Photo by Adam Hammer ’05

Get a last glimpse of Holes Hall and tour the storied tunnels beneath Holes and its sister student residence, Stearns Hall.

The “Remember W.W. Holes Hall” event is 11 a.m.-1 p.m. April 16 at St. Cloud State University.

The event is a final opportunity to share memories and meet friends prior to the summer 2016 demolition of the nine-story building. A fall Holes Hall reunion event, during Celebrate St. Cloud State, is being planned.

Holes Hall will not be open, but photo displays, memorabilia and a tunnel tour are sure to spark recollections and conversations.

Visit the Holes Hall Farewell Facebook page to view photos and read comments posted by former students.

Meet in the Stearns Hall lobby. Parking is $1.50 per hour in the 4th Avenue Parking Ramp. Parking is free on city streets north of Fourth Street South, which is part of the same-day Earth Day Half Marathon race route.

Holes 8th Floor Mural
A 1981 Holes Hall eighth-floor mural in the tunnel system that links most campus buildings. Photo by Adam Hammer ’05

Refreshments will be served.

From 1965-2014, Holes Hall was home to tens of thousands of St. Cloud State students.

Its small rooms, modest amenities and large, common bathrooms no longer appeal to young people. University leaders, MnSCU officials and construction consultants deem it cost-prohibitive to remodel. For the near term, the Holes Hall site will be converted to green space.

Stearns Hall, built adjacent to Holes in 1966, is no longer in use and is slated for demolition. In 2013, sister university Minnesota State Mankato demolished two student residential towers from the same era.

Holes Hall is named for the late St. Cloud businessman Wilbur W. Holes, who represented St. Cloud State on the state college board from 1947-1958.

In recent months, St. Cloud Fire Department and St. Cloud Police Department have used Holes Hall as a training site.

Jeff Wood '81 '87 '95
Jeff Wood '81 '87 '95
Living on one Minnesota river or another since 1959.

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