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HomeUniversity newsReferenda, amendments dominate student ballot

Referenda, amendments dominate student ballot

Students elect leaders, vote on 20 amendments to the Student Government constitution and offer opinions on six referendum questions March 27-29 at St. Cloud State.

Voting opens 8 a.m. Monday and closes 5 p.m. Wednesday. Students vote online. A link for the voting website will be shared via St. Cloud State email.

For constitutional amendments to pass, 8 percent of the student body must participate in the election.

Results will be announced at the Student Government meeting 5:05 p.m. March 30 in Atwood Memorial Center, Cascade Room.

At-large Senate candidates

Vote for as many as 15:

  • Alisha Tamang
  • Brandon Wehlage
  • Jessica Kraus
  • Andrew Stoesz
  • Zhuoya Tan
  • Zachary Aubol
  • Harigopal Shreshtha
  • Jacob Schmitt
  • Donovan Lura
  • Eric Awale
  • Nahida Haq Nworen
  • Nur Ellysa Hassan
  • Ben Uecker
  • Ivy Seo

President and Vice President candidates

Vote for one ticket:

  • President: Jack O’Neil-Como and Vice President: Kayla Shelley
  • President: Kridish Uprety and Vice President: Abegail Holm

Amendments to the Constitution

Cast votes on as many as 20 amendments. Not voting is tallied as a “no” vote.


Cast votes on as many as six questions:

  1. Shall the Constitution of the St. Cloud State University Student Association be amended to include the twenty (20) changes proposed by the Student Constitution Committee, as outlined in Student Government bills CC-007 through CC-026, and as approved by the Senate?
  2. As a student at St. Cloud State, do you consider the use of open source textbooks and materials to be a means to lower your overall financial cost of attending college?
  3. Would you, as a student at St. Cloud State, want your professors to consider and/or utilize open source textbooks and materials as an alternative to requiring the purchase of traditionally published textbooks and materials?
  4. Because internationals students are required to purchase one specific health insurance option to the exclusion of any others by the state of Minnesota, do you think international students should be provided healthcare coverage?
  5. Should professors be required to post tests/exam dates for their courses on D2L’s online calendar to ensure students remain aware of upcoming assessments?
  6. Do you think the University should implement banded tuition beginning FY19 (Fall 2017), where undergraduate students taking 12-18 credits all pay the same flat rate for tuition per semester? As it is currently planned, this would not include graduate students or summer session?

The ballot also includes a comment section, for student questions, ideas and concerns.

Jeff Wood '81 '87 '95
Jeff Wood '81 '87 '95
Living on one Minnesota river or another since 1959.

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