Thursday, February 13, 2025

Spread Love, Not Germs

Influenza can cause a week of missed classes and late assignments.

That’s a key reason Student Health Services is urging students to get a flu shot.

The flu sometimes leads to dehydration, worsening of chronic illnesses, bacterial pneumonia, ear infections and sinus infections — complications that can further disrupt college life.

Consider the flu shot a civic duty. You’re choosing to protect others by vaccinating yourself.

If you have acquired immunity to the flu, then you can’t spread it to others. That’s critical, given people with the virus are contagious one day before they feel sick and up to seven days afterward, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

In short, the flu shot is a low-cost investment in reducing risks.

Learn more at Student Health Services’ influenza web page.

Poster image for flu shot campaign

Jeff Wood '81 '87 '95
Jeff Wood '81 '87 '95
Living on one Minnesota river or another since 1959.

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