Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomePresident Robbyn WackerPresident Wacker MessagesMarch 18: Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

March 18: Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

Good evening,

The COVID-19 virus has us working in unprecedented times. I want to continue to reiterate that the safety of all students, faculty and staff are my top priority. I understand that we all have family and friends that occupy our minds, let alone our own personal safety. We need to take care of each other.

As stated in my previous communication, the Minnesota State system is now moving to a remote working environment for staff at all colleges and universities as we continue to serve our students and conduct university operations. Throughout the day cabinet members and their teams have been developing a work plan to guide how staff will work remotely and identifying staff that may need to report to campus. Work plan implementation will be completed by close of business on Friday, March 20.

As we all transition to this new working model, I want to thank you in advanced for your continued good work in serving our students as they endeavor to complete their academic year. I’ve mentioned to the Cabinet that our goal during this difficult time is to “do the unexpected” as we support our students and each other. It is business as unusual as we will be challenged to find creative ways to go above and beyond in how we serve our students. We will continue to show our students that we are committed to giving them the best education and experience possible, regardless of our current circumstances.

Finally, with information changing so rapidly, I plan to hold Town Hall Zoom meetings every morning. The first meeting will be tomorrow, March 19 at 11 a.m. This will allow me to provide you with the most up to date information and answer your questions. Zoom meetings will continue until further notice each business day (Monday-Friday) at 9 a.m.


Go Huskies!

Robbyn R. Wacker


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