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HomeUniversity newsUpdate on Course Delivery for the Fall of 2020

Update on Course Delivery for the Fall of 2020

Dear Students (and families),

On behalf of the faculty, staff and administrators I am excited to welcome you to St. Cloud State University this fall. For some of you, this is the first semester you will be joining Husky Nation and some of you are well on your way to completing your studies. Regardless of where you are on your journey, I want to let you know that we have been thinking about you and working hard to be ready for an amazing experience for fall semester. While the COVID pandemic has forced us to change some things, our commitment to you and your academic success remains stronger than ever. Throughout the summer, you will be receiving information about all the ways we are making campus a safe and healthy place for fall semester. Today, I want to give you some information about changes you may see in your fall semester course schedule.

We have heard you when you told us that you want to be in class with your professors and classmates and you want to be actively engaged in campus life, while remaining safe and healthy. President Wacker, after talking with many of you and your families, has charged the campus community to do everything we can to “Bring our Huskies Home”. We want you here! Fall semester classes start on Aug. 24.

Your professors have been at work building your courses for fall to allow you to be on campus and learn with your classmates. We have built three types of courses that will allow us to be together but also observe recommended physical distancing for fall semester: 1) In-person courses, 2) Blended/Hybrid courses, and 3) Online courses.

Option 1 – In-Person Courses
This option is what we think of as “normal” courses. COVID has changed this option — we must now observe physical distancing of 6 feet from one another. To make this option possible, we are preparing all of our classrooms to allow for physical distancing. You will also have access to course content and assignments using D2L (our course management platform).

Option 2 – Blended/Hybrid Courses
This option has some in-person meetings and some online work. Physical distancing requirements have resulted in fewer students being allowed in a classroom at any given time. Because of this, your professors have been working with instructional designers, technology staff and librarians to develop different types of Blended/Hybrid courses using state-of-the-art technology. If you are enrolled in this type of course, you will participate in scheduled meetings. Some of the meetings will be in-person, in a classroom; while others may be online, synchronously (at the same time), through Zoom. You will also have access to assignments, exams and class discussions through D2L, our web-based course management software.

Option 3 – Online Courses
This option means you will complete the course without any in-person meetings/requirements. All of your instruction, assignments and exams will be online. You will still connect with your professor and classmates through technology but you will have more flexibility about how and when you will connect.

Your professors have been determining the best delivery option for each course while incorporating safety measures like physical distancing in classrooms. If you are already registered for in-person classes, you may find some of these classes will be changed to a different delivery format. This is a result of our commitment to maximizing the time you are with your professors and classmates, while at the same time ensuring appropriate physical distancing. If one or more of your courses is changed, you will receive an email notification from Records and Registration indicating there has been a course update. When you log into e-Services, beginning July 10, you will be able to see the specific adjustments to your courses. Please remember that our goal is to ensure you keep progressing towards graduation while staying connected with your professors and classmates in a healthy way.

We know that you may need additional support to fully utilize the benefits of technology. If you need access to technology support (including devices, hot spots or software) to be successful in your learning, be sure to connect with our HuskyTech Team and they can assist you in providing the right equipment. As the summer progresses, please reach out to us when you have questions. Your advisor, our team of support staff and professors are available through e-mail, chat services, phone calls, in-person and Zoom appointments. No matter where you reside, we are here to help. We are eagerly waiting to greet you in person on Aug. 24! For more information on courses, safety, athletics, and activities see the Bring Our Huskies Home website.

Dan Gregory
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
St. Cloud State University


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