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HomeUniversity newsStudent SuccessSCSU celebrates graduates with 4 ceremonies Dec. 17

SCSU celebrates graduates with 4 ceremonies Dec. 17

St. Cloud State University’s official Fall 2021 Commencement took place on campus on Dec. 17 with four ceremonies in Ritsche Auditorium. 

Graduates that participated in the ceremonies were among the 844 students who earned degrees and certificates this fall semester, including 679 undergraduate students, some double majoring, and 196 graduate students. Of those graduate students, nine are earning doctoral degrees.

Fall 2021 Commencement

Graduates earning Honors cords include 70 undergraduates earning Summa Cum Laude, 90 earning Magna Cum Laude and 92 earning Cum Laude cords.

President Robbyn Wacker, Vice President Jason Woods and Provost Dan Gregory and the deans of the schools that comprise St. Cloud State are among the faculty and staff who assisted with the ceremonies and celebration of graduates.

“I applaud your grit and persistence. Just think about what you accomplished since that first day you arrived on campus,” Wacker said. “As we gather today, I see a graduating class from different walks of life and identities who semester after semester and day after day successfully faced the unknown and the unexpected.

“You are ready to answer the question of what is next in your life. As president, I want you to know I am truly impressed by your accomplishments. But you aren’t done yet.”

Doctoral student Tara Winchester, who is from St. Cloud and serves as the future together grant administrator at the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, presented a student message.

“My time here at SCSU has taught me that with privilege comes an obligation to act. No matter how much education we have, there’s always room to be challenged and grow,” Winchester said. “I’m hopeful that you, as I, have been inspired by our time at SCSU. I’m hopeful that every day we are able to act with intention, purpose and in service to one another.”

Students, Family and Faculty celebrate Fall 2021 Commencement

Representing faculty at the ceremonies were Macebearer Dr. Jennifer Tuder and announcers Dr. Pam Secklin, Dr. Dan Wildeson and Dr. Matt Vorrell, Student Government Vice President Marwah Asif represented students and Christy (Hovanetz) Sandberg ’98 delivered the Alumni Association remarks.

“Our goal as an institution was to help you accomplish the mission of graduating. Our greatest sense of accomplishment in achieving this mission is seeing the bright smiles of our proud graduate Huskies with their loved ones,” Woods said. “Your institution could not be more proud.

“It is with a heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you. I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for choosing St. Cloud State University.”

Spring 2021 graduates are welcome to continue to post their commencement and celebration photos and videos on social media and tagging @stcloudstate with the hashtag #SCSUGrad!


9 a.m. Ceremony – University College, College of Liberal Arts, School of the Arts and School of Public Affairs
View the 9 a.m. ceremony
See photos from the 9 a.m. ceremony

11:30 a.m. Ceremony – Herberger Business School
View the 11:30 a.m. ceremony
See photos from the 11:30 a.m. ceremony

2 p.m. Ceremony – College of Science and Engineering and School of Computing, Engineering and Environment 
View the 2 p.m. ceremony
See photos from the 2 p.m. ceremony

4:30 p.m. School of Health and Human Services and College of Education and Learning Design
View the 4:30 p.m. ceremony
See photos from the 4:30 p.m. ceremony


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