St. Cloud State University has been ranked as one of the top online colleges in Minnesota for 2023 by Intelligent, a trusted resource for online and on-campus program rankings and higher education planning.

St. Cloud State was ranked 16th in the 2023 edition of Best Online Colleges in Minnesota.
Intelligent researched over 3,000 colleges and universities for their 2023 online report, evaluating each program for the strength of its academic quality, graduation rate, cost and ROI and student resources.
They also evaluated each school on tuition costs, admission, retention and graduation rates, faculty, reputation and student resources provided for online students to calculate an Intelligent Score on a scale of 0 to 100. St. Cloud State earned a score of 91.4 for 2023.
Intelligent seeks to help students in their pre-college journey by ranking colleges and programs across the country by using aggregated, publicly-available data to eliminate bias.