Outlook magazine features – Spring/Summer 2018

Unleash Creativity: Channeling change through film
Amid rising levels of news-media skepticism and science0doubting, San Francisco-based independent lens and its award-winning documentary films are trusted voices.

Jesse McCartney rocks campus
In April, singer-songwriter Jesse McCartney performs to a packed Atwood Memorial Center Ballroom at St. Cloud State University. This is the first national concert at St. Cloud State since 2008. These types of events are fun, generate excitement throughout campus and the community, and invite people from outside St. Cloud State to experience campus. The concert ...

Unleash Innovation: Professors ready students for growing industry
When Drs. Mehdi Mekni and Omar Al-Azzam were tapped by St. Cloud State University in 2015 to build the school’s software engineering degrees, they flipped. They flipped the planning model, they flipped the teaching and learning model and they flipped the technology parameters on the program that took in its first students in 2016, built its ...

Unleash Legacy
St. Cloud State will begin celebrating its sesquicentennial in fall 2018 with a year of events leading up to its 150th birthday on Sept. 15, 2019, the anniversary of the first day of classes in 1869.

Unleash passion: Turning challenges into opportunities
Forced to live on his own when he turned 18, Sam Bannerman ’17 found some of life’s challenges overwhelming. But it was his St. Cloud State professors’ and advisors’ recognition that he had a drive to help others that turned his challenges into opportunities.


Previous features

Emergency exercise: Campus safety a top priority
A call came over the scanner. “There has been an explosion in Atwood Memorial Center on the St. Cloud State University campus.” Within minutes, police mobilized the scene and secured the perimeter ready to assess the situation, identify and arrest the suspect and provide aid to victims. Luckily, this was a drill, but it was helping St. ...

Touching lives and finding voices
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) students make a difference in the lives of community members each day in the on-campus Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic.

This fall St. Cloud State University proudly announced a new partnership with four Minnesota State community colleges that will provide scholarships and support to Pell-Eligible students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs.

Service, service, service
Service to others. In a phrase, you’ve just met Rebecca (Hage) Thomley ’81 ’83, Twin Cities business leader and disaster relief volunteer.

A life transformed: Jonathan Olson
After trying the National Guard, the business world and maintenance, Jonathan Olson found his passion in teaching and chose St. Cloud State University to prepare for the field. Olson was in training to join the National Guard when an asthma attack changed his course.