Windy Moua’s first year out of college will affect and change many lives in Africa.
Moua ’14, La Crosse, Wis., is departing to Senegal with the Peace Corps to begin training as a health extension volunteer.
“I hope I will be a great leader for my community,” Moua said. “I also hope that my experiences with the Peace Corps will allow me to work with other international health organizations.”
Earning her bachelor’s degree in community health, Moua will live and work at the community grassroots level to raise awareness about a range of health issues including nutrition, sanitation, oral re-hydration therapy, maternal and child health and sexually transmitted diseases.
“The support and guidance from my instructors at St. Cloud State prepared me for this next step in my life,” Moua said. “They urged me to be a better leader by taking leadership roles. They taught me how to use skills I already had to create and develop webpages, videos and health programs.”
In her first three months of service she will live with a host family to learn the local language and culture. After adopting these skills, Moua will be sworn into service and assigned to a community in Senegal where she will serve for two years. She will work with local people and organizations on sustainable, community-based development projects that improve lives in Senegal.
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“I don’t think anyone is ever prepared to go abroad for two years, but having the support from family and friends has definitely made the process easier,” she said.
After her service, Moua will return with a new cultural understanding that positions her to succeed and achieve her goals of working with international health organizations in today’s global economy.
Being prepared to travel overseas isn’t something new to Moua. In 2007, she participated in St. Cloud State’s Education Abroad program, traveling to Laos/Thailand for two and a half weeks.