Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeHuskies in the newsStudents to run and bike for mission in southeast Asia

Students to run and bike for mission in southeast Asia

St. Cloud Times — Many Minnesotans are making plans for the summer. Few intend to bike across the country. But Anders Benoit does.

The third-year special education student at St. Cloud State University and five others from the school have planned fundraising journeys in May, June and July.

Money they collect will go to Venture, a Burnsville-based organization that completes unorthodox missions with Christian and world-citizen foundations. The target for the help is the southeast Asia region of Thailand and Myanmar, or Burma.

Four of the local students will be running north to south across Colorado.

Two are natives of Myanmar. Both escaped oppression against Karen people, an ethnic group that includes the students. They spent time in refugee camps before arriving in America.

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University Communications
University Communications
I am a graphic designer at St. Cloud State University and lead art direction and design for Outlook Magazine.

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