The students in Janet Tilstra’s language disorders class spent part of spring semester working with the United Way to develop crafts for kids based on the “Llama Llama” book series that could help children with language development, said Ashley Jurek, a communication sciences and disorders major.
Students learned about language disorders and development in class and then used that knowledge to develop craft projects and games that can help children improve semantics, phonetics and morphology.
The students also developed handouts for parents with tips about how they can help their children improve their understanding about words and meanings.
All students in the class are volunteering during the Llama Llama event April 27 to work with the children and explain the hand out to parents, Jurek said.
“It’s a lot of work. It’s a lot of time, but it was really fun,” she said. “It was really fun designing games. … We used the curriculum from the class to help us.”
The students presented on their project April 19 at the Community Engagement Celebration in Atwood Memorial Center.