The St. Cloud State graduate students are spending two weeks studying abroad at the University of Macerata in Italy.
The program includes classes in Italian, the history and culture of Italy and critical issues in Italian higher education system and a 20-hour internship working with University of Macerata faculty and staff. The students tour universities in Camarino Perugia and Macerata to learn about their organizational structure, education system and accreditation.
Of their first week, Melissa Ryan wrote:
“We have settled in nicely in Macerata, Italy. We arrived Sunday afternoon after a long day of travel. We checked into our hotel and then explored the city as a group to learn the different areas. We enjoyed dinner and then slept so we could prepare for the big start of the week.

Our week has consisted of a combination of sessions with different professionals and offices from the University of Macerata and the University of Florence. We began at the University of Macerata by learning about their system, specifically the doctoral program.
We have enjoyed sessions including graduate students, presentations from international students, and an overview of the linguistics and research programs. Each of the departments are housed in different buildings throughout the city.
Our day in Florence included an extensive tour of the Departments of Humanities and Psychology. We met various professionals throughout the university and toured their library!
As doctoral students we have been gaining great insight on the different viewpoints of education by looking at social issues, economy, culture and politics.
We have ‘salon’ discussions as a student group every other day, with the goal of absorbing and processing all of the information and knowledge we are gaining. Our group has been enjoying the culture, food, and educational lessons of the trip!”
Of their second week, Ryan wrote:

“Our second week of the student abroad experience has been robust with lectures from professionals from the University of Macerata in Technology, the Equal Opportunity Office, and International Relations. We were welcomed by the University Rector (president) at an evening appetizer “aperitivo” gathering. The partnership between St. Cloud State and UNIMC has the support of the rector, who plans to visit St. Cloud State in October 2018.
In addition to the sessions we have enjoyed with professionals from the University of Macerata, we met with professionals in social science areas at the University of Urbino, a university located in various buildings throughout the city of Urbino, home of famous painter Raphael. The steep hills provided an excellent workout along with amazing views!
Each doctoral student was required to prepare a poster capturing the research goals of their dissertation project. These posters were presented at a doctoral poster session, led by Dr. Christine Imbra and Professoressa Paola Nicolini (UNIMC). This session included posters and participation from doctoral students and the University of Macerata. This experience allowed for great feedback and discussion of research goals.

During our week, we toured the clock tower in Macerata, a local museum, the outdoor opera house (located just next to our hotel); we also enjoyed a men’s chorus concert. One of the highlights of the week was participating in a wonderful cooking class in Loreto, Italy where we prepared eggplant parmigiana, lasagna and tiramisu from scratch, with the guidance of a chef.
We enjoyed our meal and the beautiful countryside setting. Our final day of the trip was spent on the shore of the Adriatic Sea in Senigallia, where we enjoyed one final family style meal as a group. Our trip is now coming to a close. We will remember the lessons in education, the immersion into the Italian culture, the food, and the friendships established. Thank you, St. Cloud State and UNIMC for a wonderful experience!”