Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeUniversity newsAcademic Distinctions6 earn Innovating through COVID-19 Funding

6 earn Innovating through COVID-19 Funding

Six St. Cloud State faculty and staff members have earned funding through a Minnesota State Multimedia Project designed to surface innovative practices occurring across the Minnesota State system.

Innovating through COVID-19 Funding: A Minnesota State Multimedia Project encourages the sharing and use of innovative practices in online teaching and student services. 

The project is funding efforts by St. Cloud State University faculty and staff members Bill Gorcica, Jennifer Johnson, Thaddeus Rybka, Erica Karger-Gatzow, Dr. Kannan Sivaprakasam and Dr. Plamen Miltenoff.

The funding is dedicated to the creation of good quality multimedia demonstrations of practices developed or perfected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Multimedia demonstrations will be shared system-wide in preparation for fall 2020 with the ultimate goal of creating a multimedia library exhibiting innovative practices from faculty and staff across the system. The library will showcase practices from both academic and non-academic settings. 

University Communications
University Communications
I am a graphic designer at St. Cloud State University and lead art direction and design for Outlook Magazine.

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