Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, FY 2020 closed strong with the St. Cloud State University Foundation raising $4.66M, over $166K above its goal of $4.5M. While the total was off the historic levels attained in FY ’19, it nonetheless keeps the Foundation and University Advancement’s success on track in exceeding its stated goal in five of the last six years. To every donor that helped us achieve such success on behalf of our students, faculty and staff, I say thank you.
Despite the University being closed by the pandemic in March and staff resigned to working from home there were some bright spots of note. With many students working in industries hard hit by the pandemic, unemployment rose and food insecurity and other emergency expenses increased significantly. Our community rose to the occasion, with over $100,000 raised for the Husky Food Pantry and the Student Emergency Fund. Additionally, in a demonstration that the mission continues, our alumni athletes raised nearly $70,000 to complete fundraising for the new Halenbeck Strength and Conditioning Center, a $925,000 transformation of a tired, dated space that will benefit our men’s and women’s Division II athletes, with a virtual dedication in October.
As you page through the Impact Report you’ll see that philanthropy is evident throughout SCSU’s campus. It’s in the hope that a scholarship offers. It’s in a strength and conditioning center that helps make our student athletes stronger – on and off the field or court. Thank you for making St. Cloud State University your philanthropic priority!
— Matt Andrew, Vice President of University Advancement