’80 Paul Hendrickson, Frazee, retired after 25 years with Essentia Health in Frazee.
’80 Lionel Kull, Rice, has co-founded AnswerUs.com.
’80 Thomas McFarlane, Cloquet, has been named to the Minnesota High School Hockey Coaches Hall of Fame as boys hockey coach at Cloquet High School.
’81 ’84 Teresa (Reed) Bohnen, St. Cloud, president of the St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce, will serve a one-year term as vice president of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Executives.
’81 Linda (Pieper) Wilson, Minnetonka, is editor for the feature film “Dragonfly,” released in fall 2015.
’82 John McIntyre, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, retired after 30 years of service with the Eau Claire Police Department.
’84 Joseph Reger, Savage, is sales director at Parallel Technologies, Minneapolis.
’85 Rebecca (Lee) and Dennis Mix, St. Cloud, daughter, Natasha Ann, 12/16/2014.