The Community Garden earned the grant following the campus’ annual faculty and staff Campaign in which donors met the target goal of 40 new or reactivated donors, earning the $5,000 gift from the Foundation. Each year, faculty and staff make gifts to a wide variety of Foundation funds including scholarships, academic and athletic programs. The goal for 2017’s campaign was $155,000.
The gazebo was designed by Professor Mitch Bender’s environmental and technology students, who also designed the garden’s irrigation system. The gazebo is available for campus and community use as a space to enjoy the beauty of the garden and reflect, said Tracy Ore, Community Garden coordinator.
“I am just hoping it becomes a gathering space,” she said. “Right now the garden is really pretty, and it’s full of all kinds of pollinators. ere’s lots of flowers, there’s things growing. It will be nice to sit in it and enjoy it.”
The garden is funded by donations, a small stipend from the university and sales of produce and preserves at the university Farmer’s Market held on campus each fall. It is designed to foster a bridge between the University and the greater community in a space where people can participate in planting, growing and harvesting food. The garden is served by volunteers and has been growing since ground was broken
for the garden in 2005.