St. Cloud State University has been engaged with the Akita Prefecture High School of Japan since 1979 and the partnership with Akita University is its longest standing institutional partner.
St. Cloud State began hosting high school students from the Akita prefecture in the mid-1990’s and this continued until 2006. St. Cloud State is very excited to welcome a new cohort of Akita prefecture students to St. Cloud State this summer after a 12 year gap.
July 23 marked the partnership re-dedication with the planting of a new tree and the movement of a dedicated plaque.
A dedicated tree planting on July 27, 1999 recognized the fifth anniversary of the Akita Prefecture High School Students Learning Trip. At that ceremony, Mr. Susumu Yoneta and four other Japanese dignitaries participated in the planting of a tree and the dedication of the marker along with Jim Robinson and other St. Cloud State dignitaries.
This high school learning trip was continued until 2006 and was then discontinued. St. Cloud State then built the ISELF building where the tree was planted, but was able to rescue the marker from the site. Now, Superintendent Susumu Yoneta has restarted the Akita High School learning trip to St. Cloud State, and a new tree was planted next to the plaque in the World Commons area of campus.